Online Light Language Healing

Supporting Women, Nurturing Wellbeing & Guiding Transformation

What is Online Light language Healing?

Light language is a vibrational frequency and expression of pure light energy. It works very much like sound healing, accept I use my voice and hands to deliver light codes and healings. The light language sounds will vary dependent on what it is that needs healing for you. The language will not make any sense to you but your energetic self and soul will 100% understand.

Is Online Light Language Effective?

The answer is yes. Light Language transcends physical boundaries, with its powerful frequencies and vibrations working just as effectively through a virtual connection.

Embrace the convenience and transformative power of online Light Language sessions, and let the healing energy support your journey no matter where you are.

Benefits of Online Light Language Healing

  • Clears stuck and stagnant energy and removes the energy which is not yours and is holding you back
  • Sense of relaxation and inner peace
  • Creates a shift in negative cycles of thinking
  • Rebalance of overall energy
  • Can provide insight and guidance

What happens during an Online Light Language Healing Session?

I will arrange a mutually convenient time to meet on Zoom. I will ask you to have a quite space where you can lay down, with your phone, laptop or tablet positioned so we can see and hear each other. I will then use a proxy board to help me to connect to your energy, to establish what it is that you need, along with the what you will have told me you want to do work on.

I will guide you through a grounding and protection ritual

I will then begin to channel the light language and energetically send you the healing codes, I will clear your energy, I may cut cords and carry out other energetic work such as reiki, crystal healing dependent on what it is that you need.

I will then reground you and top up the protection before discussing your experience.


Sessions are delivered online on Zoom, at a mutually agreeable time.

Single sessions are £40 which is payable at the time of booking. Once I have received the payment I will email you to arrange a date and time for the online session.