Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial for our overall well-being and functioning. Here are ten ways to improve your sleep: Remember, improving sleep habits takes time and consistency. If you continue to struggle with sleep despite implementing these strategies, it may be helpful to consult a healthcare professional for further guidance and evaluation. Angelic… Continue reading Top Ten Tips to a Better Night’s Sleep
Flowers & Self Worth
So whilst shopping I decided to buy myself some flowers, and so what you may ask? Well I felt the ‘I am not worthy’ feelings rising within me, and I put the flowers back. I stopped, took a breath to calm my minds monkey chatter and told myself I was worthy and deserving, and so… Continue reading Flowers & Self Worth
#Feelgood50 Event
Had an amazing day at The Kaleidoscope Group attheir #feelgood50 event. I met such lovely people, whilst offering Shoulder & Neck Massages,Reflexology & Hand & arm massages. I even got to massage their Mascot Kally Angelic Hugs & Blessings Donna x