Breaking Free From People-Pleasing- 26th August 2024

Breaking Free from People-Pleasing In a world that often prioritises harmony and likability, many of us fall into the trap of people-pleasing. We mold ourselves to fit others’ expectations, saying “yes” when we want to say “no,” and sacrificing our needs to avoid conflict. While it may seem like a path to acceptance and love,… Continue reading Breaking Free From People-Pleasing- 26th August 2024

Beating The January Blues 1st January 2024

As the festive lights dim and the last echoes of New Year’s celebrations fade away, many find themselves confronted with the notorious January blues. The transition from the joyous holiday season to the routine of everyday life can be a challenging adjustment. However, fear not! With the right mindset and a sprinkle of positivity, you… Continue reading Beating The January Blues 1st January 2024

Top Ten Tips to beat the winter blues- 4th October 2023

Hello Lovelies, Here are ten top tips to help you beat the winter blues: 1. Light Therapy – Buying and using either a Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) lamp or bulbs , which shine a bright, artificial light which replaces the absence of natural sunlight. When Exposed to this light mood can be improved and the… Continue reading Top Ten Tips to beat the winter blues- 4th October 2023

Top Ten Tips to a Better Night’s Sleep- 2nd June 2023

Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial for our overall well-being and functioning. Here are ten ways to improve your sleep: Remember, improving sleep habits takes time and consistency. If you continue to struggle with sleep despite implementing these strategies, it may be helpful to consult a healthcare professional for further guidance and evaluation. Angelic… Continue reading Top Ten Tips to a Better Night’s Sleep- 2nd June 2023