Angel Guide Session- Online Session




Angel Guide Sessions are designed to connect you with the wisdom, love, and protection of your guardian angels and the celestial beings who are here to assist you on your life’s journey

These sessions offer healing, clarity, comfort, and guidance, helping you navigate life’s challenges, make important decisions, and align with your highest path. Whether you are seeking answers, healing, or spiritual growth, your angels will be there to provide the support you need.

What happens During an Angel Guide Session?

I will arrange a mutually convenient time to meet on Zoom. I will ask you to have a quite space where you can lay down, with your phone, laptop or tablet positioned so we can see and hear each other.

I will then connect with your Angels, and your energy will be cleared, and you will be guided through a grounding and protection ritual.

You will then be guided into a deep sense of relaxation and angelic healing will be given to you, this can include cord cutting and an aura cleanse dependant on what is needed. You will sit with your angels to ask any questions you may have or ask for the guidance you seek. The session will finish with an mini sound healing and an angel card reading to give any final clarification.